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A uniform with only 79k, have you ever tried?

The 19 Covid pandemic is making the world economy difficult, in which Vietnam is also significantly affected. Many businesses have to change their business direction to cope with the epidemic, but also face many difficulties. Meanwhile, people's lives are also greatly affected during the epidemic season. A series of questions arise: "How can I get through this difficult season? How to save money?...”. So what do you think about sewing uniforms with only VND 79k, saving money during the season and getting the best quality shirt”.

A uniform with only 79k, have you ever tried?

The 19 Covid pandemic is making the world economy difficult, in which Vietnam is also significantly affected. Many businesses have to change their business direction to cope with the epidemic, but also face many difficulties. Meanwhile, people's lives are also greatly affected during the epidemic season. A series of questions arise: "How can I get through this difficult season? How to save money?...”. So what do you think about sewing uniforms with only VND 79k, saving money during the season and getting the best quality shirt”.

Uniform only cost 79k, do you know?

Maybe, you will not believe only 79k, but can buy a quality uniform t-shirt/polo shirt. But you will be surprised about the t-shirt named Lulo for only 79k that can create the best uniforms. We all know that Covid -19 had a huge effect on the country's economy. Because the more you save, the more we will take advantage of many things. Only 79k that you can own a uniform t-shirt according to the design of yourself, the group or the class. We are not trying to advertise for the company to sell, in fact this cheap t-shirt has undeniable quality.

Do you know? These cheap t-shirts have a lot of uses. With only VND 79k, you can order yourself group uniforms and class shirts from these cheap t-shirts. Someone will use it to make uniforms for their company or business.

Maybe, you will believe in cheap flowery advertisements, but our brand of Lulo t-shirts has never disappointed customers from the material to the product design. Maybe, you will set many standards for your shirt, but the truth is, no one can set the standards for you to measure and measure. So you always have to consider before making requests. Let visit our website to see what our customers said.

You always have to ask how to buy a cheap and good quality uniform shirt. I believe it will be difficult for any brand to make cheap uniforms for you, like us. In fact, we still want to say that few brands can make cheap uniforms with just 79k. And the brand Lulo t-shirt does it. Not only is the surprisingly cheap price but the quality is also extremely good for a cheap uniform shirt. The material of Lulo t-shirt makes you surprised when it has all the criteria to create group uniform shirts, class uniforms:

Extremely absorbent

Pique fabric has many colors to choose

No wrinkles, no pilling

Price includes 01 logo 01 color

It's too cheap for a t-shirt/polo shirt uniform with such great criteria, right? If you have a desire to make  uniform for your company, shop, class… Lulo t-shirt is a great choice during this complicated Covid - 19 epidemic. So, what are you waiting for without giving yourself the most satisfactory t-shirt/polo shirt uniform?

Prestigious and enthusiastic shirt sewing service

Not only meeting the quality criteria for low-priced t-shirt/polo shirt, but the Lulo t-shirt brand also has an enthusiastic consulting service, and prestigious order sewing. If you want to order uniforms for your team, class, organization, you can connect the shop's zalo for advice. Here you can send the samples you like to the shop. Typically, a class or group uniform seldom has a single color that comes with custom design images. Because when you want to order group uniforms, you can send the design to the shop through the zalo app. In addition, the shop produces and delivers by technology delivery service, so you can be assured of the production time as well as product quality. Besides the reasonable price depending on the quantity, you can also order 01 t-shirt/polo shirt for reference. However, if you order more shirts, the price will decrease, so it is a priority for you to order in large quantities. Not only can make class uniforms and group shirts, but Lulo t-shirt shops also produce uniforms for coffee shops, restaurants,...which are very suitable.

In addition, you also have an advantage that ordering at “Discount now” will get t-shirts/polo shirts for only 15,000-30,000vnd or lower. This price will appear (announced on the company's fan page) in a random time, for example in the morning of tomorrow, from 10:00 am to 10:15 pm, there will be 4 products sold for 1,000vnd / shirt - you buy sooner or later, and not, pass away. Therefore, you always have to know how to seize the opportunity to be able to both buy uniforms like that and receive preferential prices.

Just like when you place an order at a Shopee.vn, there are also cheap at "Flash sales" on the fan page or website of the shop with cheap t-shirts for those who know how to seize the opportunity. So, if you want to order cheap t-shirts for class or group uniforms, you should research carefully before ordering. This makes it possible to buy the cheapest, quality shirt. Rest assured, Lulo t-shirt advises customers enthusiastically.

Above are some advice on ordering cheap uniform t-shirts with only VND79,000 / piece. Hope this article will be really useful to you who are looking to buy yourself the cheapest t-shirt/polo shirt uniform.

There is no reason to miss out on a cheap price and good quality product like a Lulo t-shirt. Do not hesitate, but if you have any questions. Please contact us by phone number: 0909 506 533 or you can make friends with zalo / viber / whatsapp at the above number for a free consultation. Thank you

(Writer: Thin Nguyen)


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